Ms. codex.
Title from beginning of text (fol. 1b, l. 17).
25 lines per page. Written in medium small riqāʻ in black ink with use of red. Headings in larger script in black ink. Thin dark cream paper with laid lines and pulp visible. A few notes on the margins and on small pieces of paper placed between the fol. of the ms. (between fol. 47 and 48, and fol. 84 and 85). Modern foliation in pencil using Western numerals (omits a fol. between fol. 121 and 122).
Collation: Paper, fol. 128 ; 1-16⁸ ; catchword on the verso of each leaf.
Incipit: سبحان المتفرد فى قيوميته بوجوب الازلية والبقا ... اما بعد فان الله تعالي لما وفقّني حتي صنفت فى اكثر العلوم الدينية
End of text as extant: \\ كالعلم باحوال العرش والكرسى واللوح والقلم والجنه والنار واطباق السموات واصناف الملايكه