Ms. codex.
Title from colophon (fol. 231b).
Physical description: 19 lines per page. Written in medium large naskh in black ink. Yāʼ for alif maqṣūrah. The text is vocalized. Dark cream paper, with large regular laid lines visible. Fol. 1 and 2 are later additions (European paper). Marginal annotations (chiefly collation notes ; occasional gloss). On fol. 1a: bibliographical note on the author ; note mentioning a price. Title on tail of text block. Modern foliation in pencil using Western numerals.
Chiefly quinions. Ctachword on the verso of most leaves ; the quires are numbered using Arabic ordinals (see "Thānī" on fol. 12a).
Inscription in Arabic script on a label pasted on the upper cover: "Uṣūl 4". Inscription in Arabic script on a label pasted on the pastedown of the upper cover: "Ḥ 85". Inscription in Roman numerals on a circular spine label: "719 [next line] 2*".
Origin: According to colophon, copied by Muḥammad ibn Yūsuf ibn ʻUmar, Monday 10 Shaʻbān 773 [Feb. 16, 1372] (fol. 231b).
Incipit: بسم ... حسبنا اله ونعم الوكيل الحمد لله مصور النسم فى شبكات الارحام ... وبعد فان علوم الدين احق المفاخر بالتوقير
Explicit: قوله صلى الله عليه وسلم يعلموا الفرايض فانها نصف العلم كذا فى المعرب والله اعلم بالصواب واليه المرجع زالماب ونسأله تخفيف الحساب ودفع العقاب انه عذير وهاب