Ms. codex.
Title supplied by cataloger.
Number of lines per page varies; the few pages with continuous text have 18 to 19 long lines. Written in black and red ink. European paper with watermarks. Catchwords on the verso of each leaf (up to fol. 26b). Modern foliation in pencil using Western numerals.
Contains tables with the letters of the different alphabets and their Arabic equivalent, a diagram explaining the secret meaning of the cross (fol. 37b) and another representing the tree of scriptures (fol. 40b).
This is not the Shawq al-Mustahām fī maʻrifah rumūz al-aqlām by Ibn Waḥshīyah.
Incipit: هذه الاحرف جميعها ينبغي لمن يعاني حل الاقلام يعرفها ويفهم تاويلها ليفهم منها علم لغة كل طايفة
Explicit: القلم الحادي والعشرين من اقلام السيميا