Ms. codex.
Title from fol. 11b.
Copy completed in Rajab 892 (1487) by Muḥammad Aḥmad bin Amīn al-Dīn -- colophon (fol. 242b).
21 lines per page. Written in a casual medium small naskh in black ink with use of red for rubrication. Foliation in Arabic numerals in red ink and in Western numerals in pencil. Glazed cream paper with visible laid lines. Extensive marginal annotations throughout. Paper very fragile, especially the first third of the ms, with some loss of text. Extensive repairs to paper at the start, with white and thick blue paper. Ff. 1a-2a, 4a-7b, 11a and 243a-b have numerous short inscriptions and excerpts, chiefly in Arabic, with some on the replacement sheets at the start in Ottoman. Ff. 8-10 are a table of contents added later on a dark blue replacement paper of smaller dimensions (222 x 170 mm), and written in black and red ink.
Incipit: يقول العبد المتوسل الى الله تع باقوى الذريعة عبيد الله بن مسعود بن تاج الشريعة ... هذا حل المواضع المغلقة من وقاية الرواية فى مسايل الهداية
Explicit: ومع ذلك يباح التناول اعتمادا على الغالب والله اعلم