Ms. codex.
Title from beginning of text (fol. 3b, l. 17 [2b in the faulty modern foliation]). The name of the author appears in the colophon.
Incipit: احمد الله مبدء كل مبتء وغاية كل غاية ... وبعد فقد كنت برهة من الزمان عازما على ان احرّر لنفسي ولساير طلبة العلم من الاخوان كتاب المجسطي المنسوب الى بطلميوس ... وها انا اخوض فى المقصود واقول الكتاب مشتمل على ثلثة عشر مقالة
Explicit: قال واذا اتممنا جميع ما يفتقر الى ارشاده من وجود ما يحتاج الى وجوده وتصحيح ما يحتاج الى تصحيحه ... حامدا له على الاته مصليا على جميع اوليائه خصوصا على خاتم انبيائه وبرزة من اله واهليائه
Physical description: 27 lines per page. Written in small naskh with elements of nastaʻlīq in black ink with use of magenta and red. The text is framed within two lines in magenta, with a pagination in Arabic numerals in the middle of the top of the frame (starts with "2" on fol. 3b). Contains diagrams, tables and figures. Collation notes on the margins. Jadwal on a leaf pasted between fol. 8 and 9. Table of contents on fol. 1b-2b [-1b in the faulty modern foliation] by the same hand as the main text (whose name is given as Muḥammad ibn Ṭāhir ibn ... ibn Muḥammad al-... al-Faḍlī in the colophon of the Fihrist, fol. 2b). Title in Arabic script on a spine label (horizontal): "Majisṭī". Modern foliation in pencil using Western numerals (omits the first fol.).
Inscription in Arabic script in red pencil on fol. 1a: "Raqm 43".
Origin: Copy completed on Friday 19 Dhū al-Qaʻdah 1324 [Jan. 4, 1907] by Muḥammad ibn Ṭāhir ibn al-Ḥabīb(?) ibn al-Muḥsin ibn al-Ḥusayn ibn Turkī al-Faḍlī (colophon, fol. 94a [93a in the faulty modern foliation]). According to a note on the left margin of the colophon, this copy was collated with an autograph copy.