Ms. codex.
Title from note on fol. 1a.
23 lines per page. Written in small nastaʻlīq in black ink with use of red. Dark cream paper with laid lines and pulp visible. Ḥāshīyah on the margins. Catchword on the verso of each leaf. Fol. 291 is a later addition, with an ownership statement signed Muḥammad Laṭīf Afandī on the verso. Several inscriptions on fol. 1a: ownership statements ; verses of poetry and prayer in Persian. The lower part of the fol. is wanting. Saying attributed to Mawlānā Mubārakshāh on fol. 1b. Ownership statements and short waqf statement on fol. 2a. Inscription in red pencil using Arabic script on fol. 1a: "Raqm 94 ʻ".
Incipit: اما بعد حمد واجب الوجود على نعمائه والصلوة على سيد انبيائه وعلى اكرم احبائه اى على اله واصحابه الذين هم موصوفون بزيادة الكرم
End as extant: وتقرير الجواب ان هناك قسما ثالثا بيانه ان الحصول التدريجى حصول مل له هوية اتصالية متطبق على الزمان