Ms. codex.
Title fol. 2b.
Number of lines per page varies, as does the written surface (see individual records). Written in black ink with use of red, yellow and green. There are three main scripts in the volume: fol. 2b-75b (text 1); fol. 76a-77b, and fol. 78a-169b. European glazed paper. Table of contents on fol. 1b. Ownership statement signed al-Sayyid Aḥmad Rifʻat on fol. 1a. Ownership statements in Turkish dated from the 13th c. H. [19th c.] on fol. 181b. Foliation using Arabic numerals (starting on fol. 2). Modern foliation in pencil using Western numerals (with two fol. 178).
Illustrations: Dāʼirah (fol. 82a, 82b, 95b, 96b, 97b, 98b, 99a, 107b, 116a, 129a, 148bis b, 150b); quadrants (fol. 119a, 129a, 129b).
Contains also in the margins, at the end of the main texts, and on small pieces of paper placed between the leaves, excerpts from several other texts, such as al-Kulliyāt by Abū al-Baqāʼ (Kaffawī, Ayyūb ibn Mūsá, d. 1682 or 3), al-Taʻrīfāt by al-Munāwī (d. 1621), Anwār al-tanzīl by ʻAbd Allāh ibn ʻUmar al-Bayḍawī (d. 1286?), Bustān al-ʻĀrifīn by Abū Layth al-Samarqandī (d. 983?), al-Tawḍīḥ by Ṣadr al-sharīʻah (ʻUbayd Allāh al-Maḥbūbī, d. 1346 or 7), al-Talwīḥ by Masʻūd ibn ʻUmar al-Taftāzānī (d. 1389?), the Zīj of Ibn al-Shāṭir (d. 1375), excerpts from untitled texts signed al-Khayālī, al-Ḥaddādī, al-Tūqātī, and from unsigned texts entitled Jāmiʻ ikhtilāf al-madhāhib, Gharāʼib al-Qurʼān, Kitāb Rashaḥāt ʻayn al-ḥayāh, Risālat Ḥall dāʼirat al-muʻaddil, Risālat ʻIlm al-ḥikmah, etc.
Incipit: بسم ... حامدا لله ومصليا ومسلما على نبيه واله ومرضيا على اصحابه ... هذا انموزج من العلوم جمعته لارباب الفهوم انخراطاً فى سلك الاقدمين
Explicit: واستعانوا فيها بالقلم ورسم الجداول فما وصلوا الى استخراج الجذر التحقيقى بل قنعوا هناك بالتقريب تمت