Ms. codex.
Volume 3 erroneously foliated beginning on the front flyleaf. Record follows erroneous foliation.
Title from colophon, volume 2, leaf 234b.
Physical description, volumes 1-2: 31 lines per page; written in small naskh in black on glazed, laid European paper. Catchwords; overlining in black. Spaces left for rubrication. Mild staining and a few paper repairs. First leaf of volume 1 is a replacement.
Physical description, volume 3: 31 lines per page; written in miniscule naskh in black on glazed, laid European paper. Rubrication and catchwords. Mild staining and a few paper repairs.
Physical description, volume 4: 24 lines per page; written in medium naskh in black on glazed, laid European paper. Catchwords. Mild staining.
Origin: Volumes 1-2 copied by one hand, likely early 19th century. Volume 3 dated 3 Dhū al-Qaʻdah 1225 H [30 November 1810], by Ibn Rajab ʻAlī Khāmī [?] Bābā-yi Samnānī (leaf 308b). Volume 4 dated 26 Rajab 1230 H [4 July 1815], by ʻAbd Allāh ibn ʻAlī ibn ʻAbd Allāh ibn Muḥammad al-Maqābī [vocalization?] al-Awānī al-Majrānī [vocalization?] (leaf 288a).
Incipit: الحمد لله الذي هدانا بواضح الدليل الى سبيل معادن العلم