Ms. codex.
Title from fol. 1a.
Physical description: 15 lines per page. Written in medium small naskh (profesionnal hand) in black ink with use of red for "qawluh" and "aqūl" and to overline the commented text. Thin light cream paper, glossy, with large laid lines visible. Illuminated headpiece (ʻunwān) in gold and colours on fol. 2b. The text is framed within gold, green, and black lines outlined in blue. Ḥāshiyah on the margins mainly attributed to the author ("minhu"), apparently written by the same hand as the main text, framed in gold and blue. Table of contents added by a later hand on fol. 326a. The text has been collated (see mentions "balagha" on the margins and collation notes). Catchword on the verso of each leaf. Mainly quaternions. Modern foliation in pencil using Western numerals (faulty). Margins worm-eaten.
Inscription in Arabic script on a label pasted on the upper cover: "Tawḥīd 99". Inscription in Arabic script on a label pasted on pastedown of the upper cover: "Ḥ 73". Inscription in Western numerals on a spine label: "712" (repeated in pencil on a piece of paper pasted on the pastedown of the upper cover).
Incipit: يا من وفقنا لتجريد الكلام عقايد الاسلام وايّدنا لتشحيد الافهام لتحرير مقاصد الكلام ... [3أ] ... وبعد فان شرح التجريد للمولى العلامة ... المولى علاء الدين على القوشجى ... يحتوى على مباحث جليلة ومطالب بنيلة ... [7أ] ... قوله فى الحاشية قيل لم ير ربه معينا الى آخره اقول مراده بالزيادة فى الجملة الزيادة بوجه ما هو ذلك ليس معنى ثالثا كما ظنّه
Explicit: مادة اعنى اقباء المتحلل الرطب وابقاء اليابس ثم استدل عليه بنمط آخر واطال الكلام فيه على ما هو دابه تمت هذه الكتاب