Ms. codex.
Title from title page (fol. 1a).
15 lines per page. Written in medium small naskh in black ink with use of gold and blue for the headings. Red is also sporadically used. Illuminated title page (ʻunwān) in gold, red, blue and green on fol. 1a. Collation notes (collation statement fol. 186b). Ownership statements dated 1215, 1243 and 1315 H. on fol. (i)a (partly illegible). Foliation in red ink using Arabic numerals (starts with "2" on fol. 4). Foliation in pencil using Western numerals.
Collation: Paper, fol. i, 186, i ; i, 1⁶ (+1, fol. 7) 2-18¹⁰ 19⁶ (+3, fol. 178-180), i ; catchword on the verso of each leaf.
According to the colophon, copied in the middle decade of Rajab 768 (fol. 186b).
Incipit: قال الشيخ الامام حجة الاسلام ابو حامد محمد بن محمد الغزالى رحمه الله الحمد لله على اسباغ نعمه وصلى الله ... اما بعد فقد عنّ لى فى بعض اسفارى ان استخرج من كتاب احياء علوم الدين بتعذر استصحابه مع كبر حجمه
Explicit: و ثقلت البطاقة فى كفة فلا تثقل مع الله شيء